Family programs in the Destiny Matrix(14)

Family programs in the Destiny Matrix.The Destiny Matrix can do more than just tell you about a person; it also suggests how to unlock additional resources and develop talents. Relationships with parents and the family are among the most important in our lives and sometimes they can slow down the process of self-discovery.

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Processed family programs in the Destiny Matrix allow a person to unlock their full potential and use it correctly. There are four family programs in the Destiny Matrix:

  • Spiritual program on the Mother’s side.
  • Spiritual program on the Father’s side.
  • Material program on the Mother’s side.
  • Material program on the Father’s side.

Let’s look at each of the above and determine how to turn them into a positive and what opportunities this provides!

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Family programs in the Destiny Matrix

Spiritual Family Programs

Spiritual family programs in the Destiny Matrix are located on the upper edges of the female and male family diagonals; each consists of three energies:

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Spiritual Family Programs

Spiritual Programs on the Mother’s Side

Spiritual family programs in the Destiny Matrix are located on the upper edge of the female family line.

Working through family tasks is not easy, so it is worth the effort to turn the spiritual family programs on the female line into a positive. A positive state of spiritual programs will open up all the resources and talents of the maternal family for you.

But be vigilant, because this program also accounts for the sins of the women in the family. If any woman in your family had abortions, led a promiscuous life, frequently changed sexual partners, or committed suicide, it will inevitably affect the family as a whole.

The most interesting thing is that such relatives are usually not given attention and are not commemorated because of such behavior, and this is completely wrong! Thus, the soul of the deceased will not find peace and will manifest itself in the form of troubles.

It is important not to keep silent about such cases even if they occurred and to work through the energies for yourself and future generations. To do this, it is enough to acknowledge the sins of the relatives and turn the energy positive by replacing negative qualities with positive ones.

Spiritual Programs on the Father’s Side

Spiritual family programs in the Destiny Matrix on the Father’s side are located on the upper edge of the male family diagonal.

By analyzing the arcanes in the spiritual and karmic tasks, you can find out what potential you inherited from your father and how to unlock it. By working through them, you will gain three talents from your father’s family.

It is worth noting that the past of the family can greatly influence the present and literally hinder your life. This will be especially evident if someone in your father’s family fought in wars, killed, or committed suicide. Promiscuity and infidelity can negatively affect your relationships with women.

To turn all three energies into resources, they need to be analyzed first to understand which are partially or already fully worked through. In general, the process of turning these arcanes positive is identical to any other positions in the matrix, but the catch is that the situations for working through these programs are morally more challenging for the person, as they have to sacrifice a lot.

Material Family Programs

Material family programs in the Destiny Matrix are located on the lower edges of the family lines and each consists of three arcanes:

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Material Programs on the Mother’s Side

Material programs on the mother’s side can tell you in which area the women in your family could have successfully manifested themselves but did not. Therefore, the analysis of the arcanes of material programs on the female family line will suggest in which area you can successfully realize yourself and “make money.” Working through material programs is no easier than spiritual ones, so be ready to step out of your comfort zone!

Material Programs on the Father’s Side

Material programs on the father’s side are located on the male family line. It is interesting to note that material programs from men carry much more financial potential and resources than female ones.

By analyzing the arcanes in the material program on the father’s family line, you can understand how to relate to money, what place you are meant to occupy in society, and how to achieve it.

Unlocking male material tasks is the key to material self-realization. To turn the task into a resource, it is necessary to accept all the “failures” of the father’s family regarding money and correct them.


There are two family programs in the Destiny Matrix on the Mother’s side and two on the Father’s side. It is worth noting that working through these tasks is very rewarding but also not easy.

If you do not work through the spiritual family programs, the dark past of relatives and their sins will constantly remind you of themselves, which will literally hinder your life and your children’s lives. By working through these programs, you will also be able to understand yourself and find the area for self-realization, as well as unlock family flows.