How to decode a compatibility matrix + analysis of the compatibility matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre (12)

How to decode a compatibility matrix. If you have previously familiarized yourself with compatibility matrices and know how to work with them (and if not, you should read our article “Compatibility Matrix: What It Is and How to Use It”), then this article will be very useful to you.

In this part, we will learn how to fully decode the matrix of destiny correctly and analyze the compatibility matrix of the most unexpected couple of 2023: Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre. Keep reading to learn how and by what algorithm to analyze a compatibility matrix!

What is a Compatibility Matrix?

The compatibility matrix is a system that helps determine how well partners fit together. Structurally and conceptually, it does not differ from a personal matrix, but its peculiarity is that the arcana in it are compared from the matrices of both partners.

This way, you can find out:

  • The nature of the union.
  • Why the partners met.
  • How the couple presents themselves in society.
  • How the couple can achieve financial well-being and happiness.
  • What difficulties to expect in the union and karmic lessons.

Sometimes it happens that two partners live in harmony and understanding, love each other, but occasionally conflict without reason. The compatibility matrix helps identify the cause of this imbalance and disharmony.

Analysis of the Compatibility Matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre

How to decode a compatibility matrix + analysis of the compatibility matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre (12)

At the beginning of 2023, the public was shocked by the news of a new couple, Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre. Therefore, we propose to analyze their compatibility matrix to determine the prospects of their union and consolidate knowledge on analyzing compatibility matrices.

It is worth noting that before diagnosing the compatibility matrix, it is also necessary to calculate the personal matrices of the partners for a better understanding of the situation and effective diagnosis:

image 9
Emily Ratajkowski
image 11
Eric Andre

Why the Couple Met

Let’s start analyzing the compatibility matrix by finding out why the couple met. For this, it is necessary to analyze the karmic tail of each partner and the compatibility matrix.

Emily’s karmic tail is 18-6-6:

  • 18 – The energy of the Moon in the karmic tail means that the girl needs to understand herself, get rid of phobias, and stop running away from reality. This arcana also suggests that she needs to develop her intuition and use it for good.
  • 6-6 – The energy of the Lovers indicates that she needs to stop making mountains out of molehills, stop being afraid to fall in love, and stop having many lovers.

Eric’s karmic tail is 21-4-10:

  • 21 – The energy of the World suggests that Eric needs to learn to be grateful to the Universe for the opportunities provided and stop criticizing himself.
  • 4 – The main task for people with the Emperor arcana in the karmic tail is to stop being domineering.
  • 10 – The energy of the Wheel of Fortune indicates that Eric’s past life was very difficult, and in this incarnation, the Universe will provide him with all the benefits for a decent life. The main thing is to go with the flow.

In the compatibility matrix, Emily and Eric’s karmic tail is 21-10-16:

image 13

From this, we can say that the couple met to learn ease, overcome phobias (particularly to destroy the old and build the new), and learn to be grateful to the Universe for all the resources it provides.

Comfort Zone of the Partners

Next, let’s find out in what environment Emily and Eric feel comfortable and what character they have. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the Comfort Point in the compatibility matrix:

image 14
How to decode a compatibility matrix + analysis of the compatibility matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre

The Hierophant arcana indicates that the couple loves stability, comfort, certainty, and organization. People in such a couple constantly need to be learning something new and interesting. With this arcana in the compatibility matrix, the couple knows how to attract and be media-friendly. We cannot fail to note the following detail: children and tradition will be important to them.

In Eric’s personal matrix, the Comfort Zone arcana is 11, and in Emily’s, it is 12. This indicates that the couple complements each other, and in such a configuration, each partner can find the right balance: Eric will stop wearing himself out, and Emily will stop being self-sacrificing.

Path to Financial Well-being and Happiness

Next, let’s analyze the couple’s Money and Love line to determine their financial potential and discover the formula for true happiness.

image 12
How to decode a compatibility matrix + analysis of the compatibility matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre

The financial channel of the couple consists of three energies: 4-14-10. First of all, it is worth noting that the energy of the Wheel of Fortune at the junction with the karma zone of money and health indicates that karmically, money will come easily to the couple. They just need to ask the Universe, and it will immediately provide material benefits.

But it should also be noted that the financial potential of the couple (14) means that Emily and Eric need to spend money wisely and moderately. And according to the 4th arcana at the junction with the line of love, it can be said that the main provider of financial resources for the family will likely be the man.

If we continue talking about the Love line, it is worth noting that the union will be full of bright colors, positivity, and excitement (7 arcana). But the main thing is not to go overboard and appreciate what you have.

Manifestation of the Couple

We can see the manifestation of the couple through the far left arcana in the child-parent relationships zone of the compatibility matrix:

image 10
How to decode a compatibility matrix + analysis of the compatibility matrix of Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre

The 11th arcana definitely indicates that the union will successfully manifest itself in society and create the impression of a very strong partnership. The couple will manifest themselves extraordinarily actively, brightly, and richly. In the partnership, they will have to perform many tasks together (possibly related to work), which will strongly bond Emily and Eric, making their union even stronger.

Karmic Tasks

The couple needs to keep the zones of the karmic tail, the Money and Love line, and the Comfort Zone positive; otherwise, conflicts may arise. Here are a few tips for them:

  • Learn to appreciate what you have (21 arcana).
  • Be simpler, go with the flow, and life will provide all the resources (10 arcana).
  • Do not wear yourself out and always work – spend time with each other and rest (11 arcana).
  • Do not be afraid of change (16 arcana).
  • Leave the competition of “Who is the head in the union” (5 arcana).


So, the compatibility matrix is a tool that helps determine how well two people fit together, why they met, and how to find the path to harmonious relationships.

In this article, we consolidated our knowledge about the compatibility matrix in practice by analyzing the compatibility matrix of the couple of 2023: Emily Ratajkowski and Eric Andre. The algorithm for analyzing the compatibility matrix is identical to the one presented in this article.