What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell (9) (9)

What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell (9)

What is your true strength? Most people are much stronger than they think; they just forget to believe it. Do you agree?

Strength exists in each of us, but it manifests and reveals itself individually. Some go through positive life lessons, while others go through negative ones, but the fact remains that we gain strength with each new experience in life.

There are also obstacles in life that cause a person to lose strength and faith in themselves. Sometimes, a person does not know their true strength and drifts through life like a boat on a river.

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What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell

In this article, we will talk about the matrices of fate, which can tell a lot about a person. Specifically, today we will reveal the area of true strength in the matrix of fate and how it helps to discover the true strengths of your personality!

About True Strength

Strength is a very relative concept in human perception. Some people are strong in body, some in mind, and some in spirit. But the fact remains: strength is in each of us!

We may not always feel the strength within ourselves, but why is that? Remember: we are as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided. The feeling of harmony within ourselves directly affects the sense of inner strength and “core”.

The Matrix of Fate system and the “22 Arcana” method by Natalia Ladini will not only help to achieve harmony with yourself and feel confidence within but will also point out specific points of strength in your personality.

According to the matrix of fate, each person has three areas where they will be most strong and knowledgeable. It is also worth mentioning that the term “true strength” can be applied to both areas of activity and aspects of personality.

Where is the True Strength Located in the Matrix of Fate?

“True strength” is located in the center of the matrix of fate and consists of three energies:

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What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell

The first energy in the Comfort zone is personal strength. This arcana will indicate the conditions under which a person will feel an influx of inner strength, the message this inner strength carries, or in other words, the areas where the received energy should go.

Note that this arcana is under the patronage of the Manipura or solar plexus chakra. This means that this energy and its realization potentially affect self-respect, financial position, and role in society.

The second energy in the middle of the zone of true strength is ancestral strength. This arcana literally indicates your inner core, the manifestation of which you cannot influence, as this potential was passed on to you by your ancestors.

The third energy, a combination of the previous two, is called the internal strength code or simply ISC. This energy indicates the direction your energy should move and, in a sense, is a guideline.

How to Correctly Interpret True Strength in the Matrix of Fate?

When interpreting true strength in the matrix of fate, it is important to understand that these three energies, like any energies in the matrix, can manifest both positively and negatively. This also means that to unlock inner strength, you will need to go through certain life challenges.

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What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell

Personal strength in the matrix of fate should be interpreted and developed following the principles of working with the Comfort zone and the Manipura chakra. Ancestral strength is straightforward in interpretation: analyze the positive and negative aspects of the corresponding arcana in the zone. Preliminary balancing of this energy positively will also help and ease the passage of karmic ancestral programs.

Balancing the ISC positively is possible only after developing personal and ancestral strength. However, this energy will provide a constant sense of self-belief and harmony.

Example of Interpretation with Winston Churchill’s Matrix

Let’s solidify the theory of interpreting true strength in the matrix of fate and analyze the matrix of the great statesman Winston Churchill:

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What is your true strength? — The Matrix of Fate will tell

Winston Churchill’s personal strength: Hierophant. This energy indicates that the person is endowed with natural wisdom and the ability to sense everything around them. This strength provides the ability to find a wise way out of any situation and, in turn, help others who are less wise.

Churchill’s ancestral strength: Wheel of Fortune. His relatives gave him the strength of luck, which helps him stay “afloat” throughout his life.

In turn, the 15th energy in the internal strength code indicates Churchill’s ability to live and feel all the joys of life, enjoying each day and living in abundance.

But before he discovered these strengths, he had to learn not to succumb to excessive temptations (15), to be simpler (10), and not to give unsolicited advice or preach (5).


True strength consists of three energies in the matrix of fate system. These arcana will indicate a person’s strengths and the areas where they should invest their resources. According to the matrix of fate, there are three strengths: personal, ancestral, and internal. Before unlocking each of them, it is necessary to develop them through certain fateful events in life.