Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana(14)

Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. The ancient Greek sage Pittak once said, “Stick to truth, loyalty, experience, truthfulness, friendship.” We continue our column on compatibility matrices, and today we will analyze a very delicate and interesting question: fidelity.

Loyalty is the foundation of true love, and there is no greater honor than it. Therefore, in this article, we will look at the 7 most faithful arcana. If your partner has this arcana in the line of love, the point of comfort, or in your compatibility matrix, then congratulations—your union is strong, and your love is genuine. Meet the top 7 most faithful arcana ranking!

Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana(14)
Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana
  1. Strength

Our ranking is topped by the most faithful arcana: Strength. It can be difficult for bearers of this arcana to fall in love, let alone love deeply, and their feelings may take a long time to show.

Looking at the graphic depiction of the Strength arcana, you may notice that the girl is taming a lion. The king of beasts is comfortable beside her. Men with the 11th arcana will pursue their partners and be proactive, while women will captivate the opposite sex with their wisdom.

The 11th arcana is a true monogamist. If they love, it is only one person for life, and they give their all to the relationship!

Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. Strength
  1. Justice

The Justice arcana ranks second. Eights are very careful in choosing a partner and once chosen, they will never betray. For them, infidelity is vile, disgusting, and outrageous.

“If you choose a person, betraying them is betraying yourself first,” is the belief of the Justice arcana. They are very conscientious and couldn’t live with themselves if they were unfaithful. Incidentally, those with this energy also do not tolerate infidelity and will never forgive it—ruthlessly severing all ties and leaving without a word.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. Justice
  1. Judgement

Bearers of the 20th arcana are true family people. Pay attention to the graphic depiction of the 20th arcana: a man, woman, and child looking up to God. For the Judgement arcana, family is of utmost importance, and they direct all their resources towards it.

People with the energy of Judgement often tie the knot with their partner before God and don’t even consider infidelity. Twenties are reliable partners who will never betray their significant other.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. Judgement
  1. The Empress

The fourth place in our ranking goes to the 3rd arcana, The Empress. Bearers of this arcana receive a lot of attention from men, just as bearers are constantly surrounded by women, yet they remain faithful to their partner.

They are playful, love flirting and passion, but are very family-oriented. They are often tempted and pushed towards infidelity, but The Empress understands that no one else is needed besides their partner. They know their worth and are chaste, making them not prone to infidelity.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. The Empress
  1. Temperance

Temperance takes fifth place in the ranking of the most faithful arcana. This arcana never “strays.” They are devoted to their partners, and in relationships, the most important things for them are comfort, sincerity, and the ability to find a compromise—the golden mean.

In the graphic depiction of the Temperance arcana, an angel holds two cups from which water flows. This symbolizes the connection with the partner and devotion to them. The only thing is that over time, the passion in a relationship with the bearer of the Temperance arcana may wane and will need to be rekindled.

The 14th arcana is a reliable partner and true friend.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. Temperance
  1. The Emperor and The Hierophant

Sixth place in our ranking of the most faithful energies goes to the Emperor and Hierophant arcana, which have very similar views on life.

The Emperor is a purely masculine energy that manifests differently in men and women. Women with this energy seem unapproachable, but men around them are only attracted by this and strive to conquer them by all possible means. However, the woman-Emperor has no need for their attention: she sees the flaws in suitors right away.

Men with the Emperor arcana are very charismatic and constantly attract the attention of the opposite sex. But sometimes, they are so focused on their work and career that they do not even notice it. Because of this, the woman Emperor will be the only object of his attention, love, and care.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. The Emperor

The Hierophant’s characteristics are somewhat similar, but the bearers of this energy are more chaste. They are stable and wise, and the Hierophant preaches fidelity.

Paying attention to the graphic depiction of the energy, you may notice two men and crossed keys at the feet of the Hierophant, symbolizing eternal wisdom.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. The Hierophant
  1. The World

The World arcana closes our ranking, but if it is last on this list, it does not mean it is unfaithful. Pay attention to the graphic depiction of the 21st arcana: a girl partially covered with cloth and holding wands in each hand.

This symbolizes that bearers of the World arcana are very attractive to the opposite sex and know it, but they are wise and will not cheat on their partner. They bring harmony and a sense of peace; partners love them for this, and the arcana itself loves constancy and stability.

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Compatibility Matrix: Rating of the Most Faithful Arcana. The World


Each of the 22 arcana manifests itself differently in relationships, but some stand out for their fidelity:

  • 11th arcana Strength.
  • 8th arcana Justice.
  • 20th arcana Judgement.
  • 3rd arcana The Empress.
  • 14th arcana Temperance.
  • 4th arcana The Emperor and 5th arcana The Hierophant.
  • 21st arcana The World.

The aforementioned energies will never betray their significant other and will remain faithful until the end of their days.