The History of Natalia Ladini’s Method. The Destiny Matrix is a unique self-discovery system

The History of Natalia Ladini’s Method. The Destiny Matrix is a unique self-discovery system. A thorough analysis of the destiny matrix will reveal all facets of a personality, highlight its strengths and weaknesses, predict the future, and guide one on the right path!

But what is the history of the “22 Arcana” method? Who created it and how? What is it based on? We will explore these aspects and more in this article!

Destiny Matrix
The History of Natalia Ladini’s Method

About the Destiny Matrix System in General

Numbers can tell a lot about a person. But this particular section of numerology can describe a personality based on the date of birth. The destiny matrix is called a self-discovery system for a reason, as it contains a wealth of information about the individual, can point to the right path, and even predict the future through matrix prognostics.

The destiny matrix consists of two squares: vertical and horizontal, overlaid to form an octagram. The destiny matrix includes 12 zones, each with its essence and corresponding arcana, which will tell you:

  • How to realize yourself according to your destiny.
  • How to work through karmic tasks.
  • How to attract material well-being.
  • How to discover your hidden talents.
  • How to identify and prevent potential illnesses, and more.

Innovation in Numerology: Natalia Ladini’s Method

In the distant 2006, a new “boom” appeared in the world of esotericism: Natalia Ladini’s “22 Arcana” method. The whole world was intrigued by the sensation of the new esoteric method, and it is currently at the peak of its popularity.

Natalia Ladini was born in Moscow, and at this moment, this is all that is known about the author of the “22 Arcana” methodology. Ladini has repeatedly mentioned that she has always been interested in sciences related to destiny and the spiritual path of a person.

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The History of Natalia Ladini’s Method

Natalia Ladini began her spiritual enlightenment during the Perestroika era of the 1990s. At that time, esoteric sciences were not given much importance, and the corresponding literature was scarce and circulated from hand to hand.

Natalia Ladini states that her first mentor was Lyudmila Golubovskaya, a teacher at the “New Consciousness” center. It was at this center that she learned the basics of esotericism: bioenergy, healing, and Reiki initiations. She then continued to study other esoteric sciences with Master Laura Faith.

There was a very difficult period in Natalia’s life when she had to choose between working as an employee or following her own path, which her soul yearned for. Natalia Ladini chose mysticism and healing.

How Did the Idea of the “Destiny Diagnosis. 22 Codes of Destiny” Method Come About?

In 1999, Natalia Ladini visited a cave temple in Bakhchisarai, and this visit opened her mind. She began writing meditations that are still in demand worldwide. Later, she became interested in the Tarot card tool and began using this method.

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The History of Natalia Ladini’s Method

In 2006, during one of her meditations, Natalia had a vision of two squares, vertical and horizontal, overlaid to create an octagonal star. Over time, the idea of arranging the major Tarot arcana on the corners of the star emerged.

It was during meditation that the idea of the “22 Arcana” method came to her, which remains very popular today and continues to evolve and expand.

The Uniqueness of Ladini’s Methodology

There is no method in the world that could resemble Natalia Ladini’s discovery, as it is unique! Its uniqueness lies in its comprehensive nature, covering almost all aspects of a person’s personality.

Some people are convinced they have no talents and cannot achieve anything, but in reality, they are simply moving in the wrong direction. The zones and programs in the destiny matrix will help find oneself and live life to the fullest.

Furthermore, the destiny matrix and Natalia Ladini’s method will help find one’s life’s credo, achieve all goals, harmonize with oneself, and overcome all karmic tasks.


Natalia Ladini’s methodology “Destiny Diagnosis. 22 Codes of Destiny” is unique. The method has significantly influenced people worldwide and is very popular among esotericists due to its simplicity in learning.

Natalia Ladini’s method continues to improve day by day, expanding its analytical capabilities. Today, we can not only understand ourselves using a personal matrix but also analyze a child’s matrix and a compatibility matrix.