How to Discover Your Shadow Side Using the Destiny Matrix Analysis?(2)

How to Discover Your Shadow Side Using the Destiny Matrix Analysis?

Everyone has a shadow side, but some people show it while others carefully hide it. But what is the “shadow side” really? How can you discover your “shadow sides”? What happens if you don’t work on your “shadow”?

In this article, we will closely examine this question and apply the destiny matrix system and the “22 Arcanas” method to find and work on the shadow side. Below, we also provide a list of the shadow sides of each of the 22 energies.

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What is the “Shadow Side”?

The shadow side is a set of negative energies of a personality that a person has due to unresolved karmic tasks. Everyone has shadow sides of their personality, but they manifest differently for everyone. Why does this happen?

Firstly, the manifestation of shadow sides is influenced by the set of energies in a person’s destiny matrix. This can be explained by the fact that each of the 22 arcanas has a set of both positive and negative qualities.

Secondly, each person’s degree of working through the destiny matrix is unique. The more aspects of the matrix that are worked through, the less the shadow side will manifest.

How Does the Manifestation of the Shadow Side Affect a Person’s Life?

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How to Discover Your Shadow Side Using the Destiny Matrix Analysis

The shadow side has a strong influence on the personality and will undoubtedly affect both the internal feelings of a person and their manifestation in society. Some people accept the negative aspects of their personality and are not ashamed to show them, but on the other hand, there are others who try to hide their negative sides.

Specifically, in the aforementioned case, it is much better when a person recognizes their shadow and accepts it rather than deceiving themselves and others. And to be honest, it should be said that our shadow sides often help us achieve our desired goals.

Is It Necessary to Work on the “Shadow Side” in a Person’s Destiny Matrix?

It is necessary to work on the shadow side in the destiny matrix in any case, as this work unlocks a huge resource of strength in a person and helps achieve all set goals.

Our shadow sides are under the patronage of the Swadhisthana – the chakra of pleasures. In other words: the temptations we succumb to are our shadow sides. Working through the shadow sides gives a person a sense of satisfaction with life and teaches them to truly enjoy it.

Where to See Your “Shadow Side” in the Destiny Matrix?

The shadow side is the karmic energy that is under the patronage of Swadhisthana on the Heaven line:

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The Shadow Sides of the 22 Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are the 22 energies that are located in the destiny matrix system. Each energy has a symbolic meaning and can have both positive and negative sides:

  1. Magician: Manipulativeness, deceit, selfishness.
  2. High Priestess: Secrets, concealment, isolation.
  3. Empress: Excessive materialism, greed, emotional instability.
  4. Emperor: Authoritarianism, cruelty, narrow-mindedness.
  5. Hierophant: Rigidity, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness.
  6. Lovers: Infantilism, avoidance of responsibility, passivity.
  7. Chariot: Imbalance, inability to change, control.
  8. Justice: Cruelty, impartiality, rigidity.
  9. Hermit: Isolation, depression, withdrawal from connections.
  10. Wheel of Fortune: Instability, envy, waiting for luck.
  11. Strength: Aggression, violence, stubbornness.
  12. Death: Loss, destruction, despair.
  13. Temperance: Uncertainty, delay, lack of purpose.
  14. Devil: Enslavement, addiction, perversion.
  15. Tower: Collapse, loss of stability, chaos.
  16. Star: Illusions, unrealistic expectations, failure.
  17. Moon: Fear, uncertainty, obscurity.
  18. Sun: Excess energy, selfishness, immaturity.
  19. Judgement: Injustice, domination, suppression.
  20. World: Incompleteness, lack of integrity, uncertainty.
  21. Fool: Lack of experience, frivolity, irrationality.

It is necessary to work on the Swadhisthana arcana on the Heaven line to unlock a new resource and prevent negative qualities from dominating.

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How to Discover Your Shadow Side Using the Destiny Matrix Analysis

Howto Work on Your “Shadow Side”?

Working on the shadow side can be a difficult but important path to personal growth and self-discovery. Below are some ways that can help work on the shadow side:

  • Recognize that each of us has shadow traits. Start by identifying yours, for example, your negative emotions such as envy, anger, dissatisfaction, etc. Study your negative behavioral patterns.
  • Analyze your actions and thoughts to understand what leads you to these shadow traits. Think about when they manifest and how they affect you and others.
  • Accept your shadow traits instead of trying to hide them. Avoid self-blame and instead focus on your growth and development.
  • Work on yourself to overcome your shadow traits. Consult a psychologist who can help you work through your emotions and behavioral patterns. Develop an action plan to improve your skills and develop your personality.
  • Meditation can help you work on your shadow traits by allowing you to become aware of your emotions and feelings and teach you to control them. Meditation will also help you become more mindful of your thoughts and actions.
  • Observe your actions, words, and thoughts in everyday life to determine which of them manifest your shadow side. Then focus on how you can change these behavioral patterns.

Working on the shadow side can be a long and difficult process, but it is an important step for self-discovery and unlocking an additional resource.

Summing Up

The shadow side is a set of certain negative personality traits. Our “shadow” is our temptations, as this energy is under the patronage of the Swadhisthana pleasure chakra. Working on this arcana will ensure a sense of harmony within oneself and unlock an additional resource of strength.