Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix: Why the Soul Came to Parents (8)

Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix: Why the Soul Came to Parents (8)

The Parent-Child Channel (sometimes called the communication channel between parents and children) is one of the important calculations in the Destiny Matrix. It displays the relationships and connections between parents and their offspring, based on the aspects of planets representing the two pairs in the horoscope. Typically, it is based on the connections of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus. These represent emotional connection, protection, care, and love.

The importance of analyzing the parent-child channel lies in its ability to show which aspects of the relationships between parents and children will function well and which may be problematic. For example, if an adult has an unfriendly aspect with the planet representing the child, it may indicate potential difficulties in their relationship. These are expressed in misunderstandings, conflicts, or communication problems.

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Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix

Where the Parent-Child Channel is Located in the Destiny Matrix

In the Destiny Matrix, the parent-child channel is located on the left side, consisting of two columns: “Children” and “Parents”.

  • In the “Children” column are the planets representing the child.
  • In the “Parents” column are the planets representing the adults.
  • Each celestial body in the first column is connected by a line to the corresponding one in the second column. Thus, all children without exception have their connection line with each parent.

The parent-child channel in the Destiny Matrix can be presented in various formats, depending on the specific methodology used. However, it always reflects the connections between parents and children based on the aspects between the planets.

What is Parent-Child Karma

This concept is based on the teachings of many spiritual traditions, asserting that our actions and desires towards parents and children can affect our own life and karma. For instance, if we were ungrateful or cruel to our parents, we might face difficulties in our own family relationships or other areas of life.

Calculating the Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix

Using the Destiny Matrix, analyzing this channel can help better understand relationships with parents and children, effectively resolve emerging problems, and strengthen family ties. To get results, you do not have to perform manual calculations. Simply use our online calculator, which provides a parent-child channel interpretation in just a few minutes.

Enter the name, date of birth, and start the software. The interpretations are formed by an experienced psychologist in an accessible language.

Why the Soul Came to Parents

In a broad sense, a soul may come to parents to learn certain lessons, develop consciousness, and grow spiritually. Each adult can provide the experience and teachings necessary for the spiritual development of the child.

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Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix

The specific purposes for which a soul comes to parents may vary depending on karma, beliefs, and philosophy. Some believe that the soul can choose parents before birth to fulfill certain tasks in the current life. Others hope that it can attract parents who have certain karmic connections with it, helping to correct past life mistakes or complete earlier tasks.

Mistakes in Relationships with Children and Parents According to the Destiny Matrix

The Destiny Matrix is a philosophical concept describing the individual life path of each person and a number of factors that can influence it. Relationships between parents and children are complex and multifaceted and can be viewed from different perspectives.

Mistakes can affect the child’s life path. Let’s consider common examples:

  1. Negative Energy. If parents pass on anger, fear, or resentment to the child, it can negatively impact their life path and relationships with others.
  2. Lack of Support. When parents do not support the child and do not help them develop, it can lead to low self-esteem and distrust of others.
  3. Excessive Control. If adults control the child too much and do not allow them independence, it threatens future problems in social adaptation and limitations in life opportunities.
  4. Wrong Direction. When parents insist on a certain life path for the child that does not align with their individuality and desires, it can lead to dissatisfaction, suffering, and conflicts both within the individual and with the adults.

Remember, relationships between parents and children are an important factor in forming a child’s personality and life path. For this reason, parents should strive to create a positive, supportive atmosphere and respect the individuality and needs of the children.

Parent-Child Channel in the Destiny Matrix

Karmic Task of Children and Parents According to the Destiny Matrix

The analysis of the parent-child channel in the Destiny Matrix involves considering the common tasks of the child and parent. From the perspective of karma, the goal of children and adults is to overcome any conflicts and negative emotions that may arise in the relationships. Karma implies that all our actions have consequences. They can manifest both in the present and in the future.

  • In relationships between parents and children, many difficulties can arise from conflicts, misunderstandings, or lack of mutual support. But if both parties can respect each other, strive for harmony, and take responsibility for their actions, they can resolve any disputes and establish harmonious relationships.
  • The karmic task of children and parents is to work on relationships, treat each other fairly and lovingly, and perform actions that contribute to the well-being of all family members, both in the present and future.
  • The common task of children and parents in this world is to create healthy, happy, and productive societies. Children and parents play an important role in forming and maintaining culture, values, and behavioral norms.
  • Adults must ensure the harmonious development of the child, who will become responsible and successful. For this, it is necessary to provide safety, a healthy lifestyle, education, and psychological support.

    Children should follow their parents’ recommendations, respect their opinions and rules, strive to learn, develop, and take responsibility for their actions. Additionally, it is essential to communicate effectively with each other and find compromises in case of disagreements.


    The Parent-Child Channel is an important pathway for transmitting energy and information, influencing the child’s life in terms of self-realization. Adults should use it to nourish positive energy and provide support to children, helping them achieve success and fully realize their potential. This contributes to the child’s personality formation and the fulfillment of their life purpose.