What is your gift? — The Destiny Matrix reveals(8)

Everyone has a gift that helps us understand certain life moments and excel beyond others (no matter how it sounds). Every person possesses a gift, although not everyone is convinced of this.

The Destiny Matrix reveals many aspects of a person’s personality, including their gift. A thorough analysis and interpretation of the energy of the gift can help uncover and channel it in the right direction.

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What is your gift? — The Destiny Matrix reveals

In this article, we will explore the concept of a gift in detail and provide an interpretation of each energy.

What is a “Gift”?

A gift is a unique ability or talent that each person has. It can be something we do easily and naturally, something that brings us joy and fulfillment, and that can be valuable to others. A gift is also something that “heals.”

Each person can have their unique gift that can be used to achieve their goals, help others, and develop their personality. It can manifest in various fields, such as art, science, sports, communication, leadership, and so on.

However, to develop your gift, you need to find and uncover it. This may require time, effort, and self-discovery, so analyzing the destiny matrix will be very useful in uncovering your potential. When we find our gift and start developing in this area, it can lead to a sense of life fulfillment, satisfaction, and personal growth.

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What is your gift? — The Destiny Matrix reveals

Which area of the Destiny Matrix is responsible for the “Gift”?

Several aspects of the destiny matrix are responsible for the gift. Firstly, pay attention to the energies under the patronage of the third eye chakra “Ajna” in the blue “circles.”

There are also other aspects of the destiny matrix that can indicate a gift:

  • Spiritual ancestral programs.
  • The Higher Essence zone.
  • Karmic tail.
  • The Talent zone.
  • Energy of “Strength.”
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What is your gift? — The Destiny Matrix reveals

Decoding the gift of each energy

Each energy has something that heals. Pay attention to the arcana in the zones responsible for the gift and read the description of the gift of each of the 22 arcana:

  1. Magician: it’s important to create and innovate, be a pioneer.
  2. High Priestess: heals with words.
  3. Empress: the energy of life and fertility is healing; healing with life.
  4. Emperor: healing with willpower.
  5. Hierophant: healing with knowledge; a conduit of spirituality in the world of people.
  6. Lovers: healing with love.
  7. Chariot: heals with management and goal setting.
  8. Justice: heals by understanding cause and effect relationships — heals the root cause.
  9. Hermit: heals with wisdom and knowledge; leads to intuition and self-reliance.
  10. Wheel of Fortune: heals with ease and trust in higher powers; with luck.
  11. Strength: heals with strength and warmth of “fire,” directing energy.
  12. Hanged Man: healing with help and support.
  13. Death: heals with new experiences, extremity.
  14. Temperance: heals by enveloping with sensuality and understanding.
  15. Devil: heals with the energy of desires; heals repressed energy and gives it an outlet.
  16. Tower: heals through transformation: reforming your life for the better.
  17. Star: heals with hope and attention.
  18. Moon: heals with thoughts and images — clearly sees the soul and subconscious.
  19. Sun: heals with warmth, joy, and happiness; heals the ego — the state of a child.
  20. Judgment: heals with words, information; clearly knows and heals with it.
  21. World: heals by reaching a new level, the scale of openness to new things and travel.
  22. Fool: heals with freedom and liberates (both inside and outside).
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What is your gift? — The Destiny Matrix reveals

Recommendations for Uncovering Your Personal Gift

If you want to uncover your gift, here are some recommendations:

  • Explore your interests, passions, and talents with the help of the destiny matrix. Determine what you really enjoy doing and what brings you pleasure. To do this, analyze the purpose zone and karmic tasks.
  • Try to be goal-oriented and disciplined, and don’t give up in the face of difficulties.
  • Communicate with people who share your interests and passions. Find people who can support and help you develop in your field.

It is important to remember that uncovering your personal gift is a process that can take a lot of time and effort. But when you find your gift and start developing in this area, it can lead to a sense of life fulfillment, satisfaction, and personal growth.


Everyone has a gift, and analyzing the destiny matrix will point it out and suggest how to uncover it. In the destiny matrix system, there is no specific zone responsible for the gift.

Therefore, pay attention to the interpretation of the energies under the patronage of the Ajna chakra and zones such as spiritual ancestral programs, the Talent zone, the Karmic Tail, the Higher Essence zone, and the arcana of “inner strength.”