Public Offer on the Use of ServiceBefore using the service, please familiarize yourself with the terms of this document.This document "Public Offer on the Use of Service" constitutes an offer by the Administration of the website to enter into an agreement under the terms set out below.MAIN TERMS AND DEFINITIONS1.1. Service (Service) – a set of web pages hosted on the Internet, united by the single address space of the domain, as well as applications integrated with it for mobile devices, designed to acquaint with information about Services and purchase Services via the Internet.1.2. Administration – performs activities related to the provision of Services. The Administration owns all respective exclusive rights to the Service.1.3. User – an individual, sole proprietor, or legal entity who has entered into an Agreement with the Administration on the terms of this Offer and, thereby, has obtained the right to use the service and receive Services from the Administration.1.4. Service – activity of the Administration related to providing services based on individual information about a person derived from their name and date of birth.For the purposes of this offer, services are understood as follows:Online training course on the "Matrix of Destiny" method through providing access to a training manual, namely: basic calculations and decryption of the "Matrix of Destiny". A consultant certificate is issued upon completion of the training.Providing access to the consultant's chat:Providing access to the service for determining compatibility and full decryption of the matrix of destiny (in the format of either limited or unlimited access depending on the selected tariff).1.5. Tariff – a specific package of services provided to the User for a set fee, on the terms of either limited or unlimited access. Detailed descriptions of each tariff and its current cost can be found at the link – Order – a duly made request by the User for the provision of Services.1.7. Offer – the text of this document with all attachments, amendments, and additions to it, posted in the Service and containing terms and conditions for the use of the Service and the provision of Services.1.8. Contract – an agreement on the use of the Service and the provision of Services, which is concluded and performed by the Administration and the User under the terms and conditions provided by this Offer.1.9. Rules – a set of rights and obligations of users of the Service.GENERAL PROVISIONS2.1. The Contract concluded under the terms of this Offer is a legally binding document and regulates the relationships between the Administration and the User arising from the use of the Service and the acquisition of Services.2.2. By purchasing Services through the Service, the User agrees that:a) they have fully acquainted themselves with the terms of this Offer.b) payment for Services means that they accept all the terms of this Offer in full without any exceptions and restrictions on their part (acceptance). The Contract concluded by acceptance of this Offer does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.c) if the User does not agree with the terms of this Offer or does not have the right to enter into a Contract under the law, they should refrain from using the Service.d) the Offer (including any part of it) may be amended by the Administration without any special notice. The new version of the Offer takes effect from the moment it is posted on the Service unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Offer.e) agrees to abide by the Rules for using the Service and undertakes not to violate these Rules.2.3. The relations between the Parties may also be regulated by separate documents and agreements governing the use of respective Services. The application of such additional documents and agreements does not cancel the effect of this Offer.SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT3.1. The Administration undertakes to provide the User with access to use the Service, as well as to provide Services based on the Orders placed, and the User undertakes to use the Service in accordance with the Contract and pay for the Services under the terms of this Offer in accordance with the approved tariffs.3.1.1. For the purposes of this offer, the following tariffs apply: "Single Calculation" Tariff (includes providing access to a full decryption of one "Matrix of Destiny", determining compatibility). "Unlimited+" Tariff (includes unlimited access to all service calculators and, as a bonus, provides access to a training manual for independent online learning of decryptions of the "Matrix of Destiny" and compatibility).3.2. The name, price, quantity of Services, and other necessary conditions of the Contract are determined based on the information provided by the User when placing the Order.3.3. An unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms of this Offer, the privacy policy, the rules of using the Service, as well as consent to the processing of personal information, is a mandatory condition for concluding the Contract.REGISTRATION4.1. In order to use the Services, the User must undergo a registration process, resulting in the creation of a personal account on the Service.4.2. During registration, the User provides the following information: surname, first name, gender, date of birth, email address, username, and password. The User is obliged to provide accurate and complete information about themselves.4.3. The User's account details provided during registration are processed by the Administration to fulfill obligations to the User. The User consents to the Administration processing their account and personal data. The Administration is not responsible to any third parties for the accuracy and reliability of the User's account data.4.4. Access to the Service is gained by undergoing the authorization process each time — entering a username and password, automatic authorization using cookie technology, receiving data from social networks linked to the account, and other methods. Cookies may be used for automatic authorization on the Service and for collecting statistical data, particularly on Service visits. The User has the right to restrict or prohibit the use of cookies by applying appropriate settings in their browser or mobile device.4.5. Any actions performed using the User’s username and password are considered to be performed by the respective User.4.6. In case of unauthorized access to the username and password and/or account, or distribution of the username and password, the User must immediately notify the Administration.ORDERING AND PROVIDING SERVICES5.1. The Service is intended for acquainting with information about the Services and purchasing Services via the Internet.5.1.1. For the purposes of fulfilling the terms outlined in this offer, the offer is legally recognized as an adhesion contract with execution upon demand, namely:An adhesion contract is recognized as a contract whose terms are determined by one party in forms or other standard formats and can only be accepted by the other party by joining the proposed contract in full. A contract with execution upon demand (subscription contract) is recognized as a contract providing for one party (the subscriber) to make certain, including periodic, payments or provide other performances for the right to demand from the other party (the executor) the provision of the contracted performance in the required quantity or volume or on other terms determined by the subscriber. The subscriber is obliged to make payments or provide other performance under the subscription contract regardless of whether the corresponding performance was demanded from the executor, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.5.2. The User independently selects the Service, fills out the form presented in the Service, and pays for the Service.5.3. After payment for the Service, the Administration compiles individual information about a person based on the name and date of birth provided by the User and provides this information to the User.5.4. The User bears full responsibility for providing incorrect information, resulting in the Administration’s inability to properly fulfill its obligations to them.PAYMENT FOR SERVICES6.1. Prices for Services offered by the Administration through the Service are in dollars, as a universal currency for residents of any country.6.2. The Administration has the right to unilaterally change the prices for Services at any time. However, the price for a Service that has already been paid for is not subject to change.6.3. Payment methods available for the Service are offered to the User after they have filled out the order form.6.4. The Administration has the right to provide discounts, bonuses, and other preferential terms for purchasing Services to all or individual Users.6.5. The Administration may limit the payment methods available to the User for Services.6.6. The User acknowledges that by paying for the Service, they acquire information that remains accessible to them at all times. They have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with part of the information before making a purchase. Based on this, refunds are not provided and are only possible at the Administration's discretion.REVIEWS7.1. The Service acts as an informational platform, allowing Users to leave their reviews about the Services.7.2. Any User can leave reviews. Reviews may be corrected by the Administration for grammar and punctuation, but the User is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in their reviews. The Administration has the right to moderate reviews independently and without notifying the User, including:7.2.1. not publishing reviews that are not related to the theme of the Service; 7.2.2. not publishing reviews that do not contain useful information for other Service users; 7.2.3. not publishing reviews that include offensive language or statements; 7.2.4. not publishing reviews that contain links to other web services; 7.2.5. not publishing reviews where the information is clearly inaccurate or doubtful in its accuracy; 7.2.6. deleting any published review at any time; 7.2.7. independently determining the period during which reviews are considered current and for which they are published.7.3. The Administration does not undertake to inform the User about the reasons for rejecting the publication and/or deletion of previously published reviews.7.4. Reviews are not removed at the request of other users. A review may only be removed if it shows signs of promotional intent or trolling, or at the request of the review author.SERVICE USAGE RULES8.1. The User has the right to:
  • Familiarize themselves with materials presented on the Service and place orders for Services;
  • Refuse to execute the Contract if the Administration fails to provide the Service;
  • Use the Service in ways not prohibited by the Contract;
  • Contact the Administration to address situations and take necessary actions in case of technical problems with the Service, or if the User receives unsolicited advertising messages, threats, or files suspected of containing viruses;
  • Contact the Administration regarding the functioning of the Service and its tools.
8.2. The User is obliged to:
  • Familiarize themselves with the contents of this Offer, as well as the characteristics of the Services;
  • Provide accurate information to receive proper results from the Services;
  • Pay for the Services;
  • Not use the Service to publish, distribute, store, or transmit in any form information and materials that are indecent, offensive, vulgar, harmful, threatening, defamatory, false, or pornographic in nature;
  • Not insult the honor and dignity, rights, and legitimate interests of third parties, incite religious, racial, ethnic, or international discord, contain elements of violence, call for violations of current laws and unlawful actions, etc.;
  • Not infringe upon intellectual property rights and means of individualization (including copyright, related rights, patent rights, etc.) of this Service and third parties;
  • Not violate the rights of minors;
  • Not promote interest in the distribution of drugs, weapons, ammunition, any form of terrorist, unlawful, or Nazi activities;
  • Not disclose confidential information that has become available to the User as a result of using the Service (including information constituting state or commercial secrets, personal data of third parties, etc.);
  • Not expose Service users to any software or other technical hazards (infecting users' computers with malicious software, unsolicited advertising, flooding, spam, and other information that may impair the proper functioning of the Service);
  • Keep abreast of changes made to this Agreement;
  • Not violate the rights of third parties;
  • Not sell or otherwise transfer their Service account details to other persons;
  • Acknowledge authorship when posting information on the Internet that is contained on this site (link to the site, publication).
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATION9.1. The Administration has the right to:
  • Block (restrict) access for users who violate the rules of this Agreement;
  • Notify users about the date and time of technical maintenance on the Service;
  • Place third-party advertisements;
  • Request users to provide correct data;
  • Modify the design of the Service, its content, alter or supplement scripts, software, content, and other objects used or stored on the Service, any server applications;
  • With the user's consent, send notifications about the introduction of new services or the cancellation of old ones;
  • Display advertising materials to the User on the Service;
  • Delete any content on the Service without any reason and without prior notice;
  • Unilaterally transfer all or part of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties;
  • Block users who have purchased or otherwise gained access to a user account;
  • Exercise other rights it possesses.
9.2. The Administration is obliged to:
  • Provide access to the Service 24/7, including weekends and holidays, except during interruptions for technical maintenance;
  • Make all reasonable efforts to ensure stable operation of the Service, its gradual improvement, and the correction of errors in the operation of the Service, however, the Service is provided on an "as is" basis.
The "as is" principle means that the Administration cannot guarantee:
  • the absence of errors in the operation of the Service;
  • continuous operation of the Service and its compatibility with the user’s software and technical equipment;
  • no responsibility for data loss or any damage that may arise in connection with the use of the Service;
  • no responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations due to failures in telecommunications and energy networks, actions of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and/or disabling the software and/or hardware complex of the Service;
  • Ensure confidentiality and security of data obtained from the User except in cases where such disclosure occurred due to reasons beyond the Administration's control;
  • Provide technical support to the User concerning the functioning of the Service and the provision of Services.
9.3. The Administration manages the Service on an ongoing basis, determines its structure, appearance, allows or restricts users' access to the Service, and exercises other rights it possesses.9.4. If a User violates any part of these Rules and Agreement, the Administration reserves the right to terminate the User's access to the Service by blocking access from the IP address from which the User has made the most visits, and to provide information and materials confirming the User's illegal activities to law enforcement and other regulatory authorities.9.5. The User acknowledges and agrees that the IP address of their personal computer is recorded by technical means of the Administration, and in case of illegal activities, including those violating the rights of third parties, the owner of the personal computer identified by the Administration through the IP address is held responsible for such illegal activities.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF POSTED MATERIALS10.1. The Administration of the website is the sole owner of all intellectual rights posted on The website Administration has the right to involve other authors for publishing their materials on with an indication of their authorship.10.3. The Administration, users, and other Authors agree that copyright is protected from the moment of its creation and/or publication. The Administration, users, and other Authors agree that all intangible rights belong to the author of the text, and all property rights belong to the website Administration.10.4. All materials published on are protected by copyright. Any unauthorized copying and/or publication without attribution and linking to the source is protected by applicable international law ®.WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY11.1. The Administration is not responsible for providing the result of the Services if the User has provided inaccurate information.11.2. The Administration does not guarantee the fulfillment of any forecasts or predictions given to the User, nor does it guarantee the achievement of any objective or subjective effect and is not responsible for the consequences and/or non-compliance with the User's expectations from using the Service.11.3. The Service is provided on an "as is" basis, and no warranties are provided to the User beyond those specified in clause 9.2 of the Agreement.11.4. The Administration makes every effort to ensure that information posted on the Service is accurate, however, the Administration gives no guarantee regarding the accuracy of such information and is not responsible for it. The use of any materials and data from the materials of the Service is entirely at the User's risk, and the Administration will not be liable for any loss of profits, damages, or other harm resulting from the use of Service materials.
11.5. All advertising materials placed on the Service are provided by third parties. The Administration is not responsible for the accuracy of third-party advertising materials, the availability of their websites and their content, nor for any consequences associated with the use of such information and/or advertising and third-party websites.11.6. As the Service is continuously updated and new functionalities are added, the form and nature of the services provided may change from time to time without prior notice to the User. The Administration has the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue displaying the Service materials and/or providing Services to all users or an individual user without prior notice.11.7. The User is responsible for any breach of the obligations established by this Agreement and applicable law, as well as for all consequences of such breaches (including any losses that the Administration and third parties may incur).11.8. The Administration reserves the right to prosecute violators of exclusive rights to intellectual property objects in accordance with civil, administrative, and criminal law at its discretion.11.9. While providing the User with the technical capability to use the Service, the Administration does not control the User's actions, does not perform automatic censorship of information in public sections of the Service, and is not responsible for the actions or inactions of the User, as the information system of the Service and its software lack technical solutions that allow for automatic censorship and monitoring of User actions.11.10. The Administration is not responsible for possible malfunctions and interruptions in the operation of the Service and the resulting loss of information. The Administration is not liable for any damage to the User's computer, mobile devices, any other equipment, or software caused by or related to the use of the Service or websites (services) accessible through hyperlinks posted on the Service.11.11. The Administration is not responsible for any damage, including lost profits or harm, caused in connection with the use of the Service, content, or other materials to which the User or other persons have accessed using the Service, even if the Administration has warned or pointed out the possibility of such damage or harm.11.12. The Administration is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to the User, including data loss, content blocking, or termination of Service operation.11.13. The User bears personal responsibility for any information they upload to the Service or otherwise make publicly available on the Service or through it. The User is obliged to independently resolve any claims from third parties related to the unlawful posting of information.11.14. Hyperlinks to any website, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Service are not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Administration. The Administration is not responsible for any damage incurred by the User as a result of following such hyperlinks.11.15. Access to third-party websites (services), installation of programs, and consumption of third-party services performed by the User are at their own risk. The provisions of the Agreement do not apply to the User's relationships with third parties.CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA12.1. By visiting and using the Service (website, I give my consent to the Administration of (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) to process the following personal data:
  • Surname, first name, gender, date of birth, email address, mobile phone number, information from cookies, including location information; the type of my device and the resolution of its screen; the type, version, and language of the operating system installed on my device; the type, version, and language of the browser (or other program used to access the site); IP address; the address of the page from which I transitioned to the site (referrer), information about which pages I open and which buttons I press on the site.
12.2. Consent is given by me to process my data using automated means and without using automated means for the purposes of: 12.2.1. my identification on the site or mobile application and providing me access to their functionalities; 12.2.2. sending me notifications, requests, and information related to the use of the Service; 12.2.3. processing my inquiries and requests to the Operator; 12.2.4. providing me with newsletters and other information from the Operator and its partners; 12.2.5. creating statistics that help the Operator optimize the structure and content of the Service, enhancing its usability.12.3. Consent to the processing of personal data given by me is valid for an indefinite period until its revocation by me. I am informed that I have the right at any time to revoke my consent to the processing of personal data by the Operator by sending a notification to the email address: with the note "withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data." I am acquainted with and agree to the policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of users of the service PROVISIONS13.1. All disputes arising between the Parties shall be resolved through negotiations. The pre-trial dispute resolution procedure arising from the relations regulated by the Contract is mandatory. The period for pre-trial settlement of claims is 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the corresponding claim. If an agreement is not reached on dispute resolution, such a dispute shall be considered and resolved in court at the location of the Administration.13.3. If a court declares any provision of the Offer invalid and not applicable, it does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the Offer.